
Monday, January 3, 2011

Jurassic Park Poster

Ode to my #1 all time favorite movie "JURASSIC PARK"!

All logos, names and whatnots © their respective owners.

I can't tell you how much fun I had making this today.


  1. Amazing!!
    can't wait for the Blu-ray...

  2. Gosh, I wish they would have a release date for the bluray already. I'm sick of waiting!

  3. dude I love the first jurassic park has to be one of my favorite movies. sweet poster.

  4. If I were stuck on an island (with electrictity, a tv, and a dvd player) and could only have one movie, it would be Jurassic Park.

  5. If I were stuck on an island (with electricity, a tv, and a dvd player) I would question how in the FUCK this is possible, that an island could have electricity, a tv, and a dvd player.

    I would then build the greatest sandcastle/fortress/compound/stronghold the world will NEVER SEE.
